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Our Summer schedule 

While we are on holiday for the summer, our normal service is changed. Here's what's happening until we return in September.

Mondays 10.30am
Craft group in the cafe
Tea and coffee will be available; please bring a light lunch so you can stay and share lunch together.
Tuesdays 10.00am 
Coffee shop in the Cafe
Tuesdays 10.00am 
Communion Service at Holy Trinity Tilgate (opposite the shops)
Thursdays 10.00am
New Life Church summer picnics.
Details here.

17th August 10.00am
Poppins coffee morning in the cafe
Thursday 22nd August 10.00am
KIT (Keep In Touch) cafe
28-30th August 10.00am
Good News Kingdom Holiday Club for Primary School children.
See here for details.