Our Mission Partners
St Andrew’s Church supports a number of organisations and individuals who are working to tell others about Jesus and spread his love both overseas and closer to home.

Christians Against Poverty provides free professional debt help through local churches.
Visit Crawley CAP Centre’s website for more information.
St Andrew’s Church supports Crawley CAP Centre financially and with prayer.

The Easter Team helps local families and individuals in crisis by distributing food parcels and providing gas and electricity meter top ups.
Visit their website for more information.
St Andrew’s Church supports the Easter Team with prayer and by collecting food.

The Lighthouse Project is an organisation made up of Christians from Crawley churches. They work in schools in the Crawley area to bring the Word of God to children who would not otherwise have access to any Christian teaching.
Lighthouse provide Christian assemblies in schools and provide support for school R.E lessons. They also run the Lighthouse Club in a number of primary schools and the Quest Club in secondary schools.
You can read more about Lighthouse on their website.
St Andrew’s Church supports Lighthouse financially and with prayer.

Tearfund is a Christian organsation working around the world to lift communities in a great many important areas. Areas of their work include disaster relief, helping communities lift themselves out of poverty, healthcare, water and sanitation and many others besides.
Tearfund's work is worldwide, including Africa, South America Asia and the UK.
You can read more about Tearfund on their website.
St Andrew’s Church supports Tearfund financially and with prayer.

The Church Pastoral Aid Society is an evangelical organisation working mainly with churches in the UK.
Their mission is to see a Christ Centred, Bible based, mission focussed church. They work to develop leaders and disciples within churches whose call to leadership is clear and growing in Christ-like character. They run camps and course for young people and programmes such as he Arrow Leadership programme to enable church leaders to lead more like Jesus, to be led more like Jesus and to lead more to Jesus.
You can read more about them on their website.
St. Andrew's supports the work of CPAS financially and with prayer.

Prison Fellowship shows Christ’s love to people in prison by coming alongside them and supporting them.
Visit their website for more information.
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
Matthew 25:35-36
St Andrew’s Church supports the work of Prison Fellowship financially and with prayer.

Operation Christmas Child is organised by Samaritan’s Purse and shows God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world by filling shoeboxes with toys, personal care items, school supplies, and fun gifts.
Visit their website for more information.
St Andrew’s Church supports Operation Christmas Child with prayer and by packing shoeboxes.

Youth With A Mission is a global ministry which concentrates on evangelism, training and mercy ministries. They have a Discipleship Training School at Holmsted Manor near Crawley.
You can read more about YWAM Holmsted Ministries on their
St Andrew’s Church supports YWAM Holmsted Ministries financially and with prayer.
Michael and Silvia Browne live in Liverpool and have spent most of their lives in Argentina.
Michael leads a team who are translating the bible into the language of the Toba people who live in North Argentina. They completed the New Testament in 2010 and are now working on the Old Testament.
Michael and Silvia are associated with the Church Mission Society and the Argentine Bible Society.
St Andrew’s Church supports Michael and Silvia financially and with prayer.