Fishers of Men
Marilyn Appleby
![fishers of men](/Images/content/2192/1385074.jpg)
I am not really a fish lover, so I am not into fishing (sorry all you anglers out there), although I once caught a tiddler using a jam jar on a piece of string, but that is as far as my fishing prowess goes!
Today we hear about Jesus instructing his disciples to fish for men (and women) instead of fish. In the picture above the fisherman is casting his net far and wide in the hope of harnessing a good catch of fish.
It is true that the Great Commission for all Christians is to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matt.28:19) and the greater the catch the better, but even if our ‘catch’ is only one at a time, it will still be a great catch!
“Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.”
Luke 5:10