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More Holiday Club

kingdomWe are running our Holiday club again this year for primary school children (those about to join reception through to those just leaving year 6). We would love you to join us!

The club runs from 28th to 30th August between 10.00am and 12.30pm and costs £10 per child. To secure a place, please email with details of the child(ren) you would like to book in. We will send you a booking form and payment informastion. Places are limited so first come, first served.

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help in any way so far. It is so heartening to know how much St Andrew’s folk appreciate the importance of the Holiday Club that reaches out to our younger people as we endeavour to ‘Tell the next generation the praiseworthydeeds of the Lord.’

Although we have many volunteers there is always room for more, particularly if you feel able to lead or help lead a group. Our young leaders are, of course, most welcome to help out too! Please email Jackie in the office or Marilyn Appleby if you feel able to help out.

Thank you so much!