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Thanks from Easter Team

easter teamThe Easter Team has sent its grateful thanks to St Andrew’s for the wonderful food donations throughout 2020, the volunteers who have worked so hard, the donation of £1,000 from church funds in August and the retiring collection of £145 at Carols by Starlight.

During the year the Easter Team supplied 4,020 food parcels to local families and individuals in crisis. This includes the 195 Christmas parcels sent to their 172 clients with all the extra goodies. They have also topped up gas and electricity meters 828 times. Due to generous monetary donations, they have been able to increase this from £15 to £20 a month for the next 3 months – just when people need it the most.

Recent feedback from clients includes: “Huge thank you for all the love and support you showed us in our time of need. We are and will be truly forever grateful. God bless you all.” “Gratefully received, lovely food parcel – thank you very much.” “Thank you for all your help and support. Love my Christmas present.”

The Easter Team say Thank you St Andrew’s for helping to make all this possible.