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Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

Melanie, John and Peter Lodemore

xmas childA big thank you to all those who have kindly contributed in some way to this year’s shoeboxes – by packing a physical box, by providing things to go in one, by packing a box online or by giving money.

We are aware that many of you have packed boxes online. In addition 141 physical boxes of lovely gifts are ready to go from St Andrew’s Church, St Andrew’s School and the Guides to children somewhere in the world, who don’t usually receive much at Christmas time. You are sharing God’s love in a very practical way and the children will be thrilled to play with and use the wonderful things that you have generously given them. On behalf of those children – thank you!

Due to the current restrictions there is still a bit more time, so if you have a box which you’ve not yet handed over, please contact us for more details.