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St. Andrew's School News

david ethertonThank you to everyone for continuing to pray for the future leadership of St. Andrew’s Primary School.

We have been unable to progress the recruitment process for our new Headteacher due to the pandemic. Mrs Wise and Mrs Mullis have been leading the school during this challenging time and have done a great job. We are pleased to report that we have appointed Mr David Etherton (pictured) to join the school as interim Executive Headteacher for a term whilst we agree plans for the future leadership of the school. Mr Etherton will be with us 3 days a week and support Mrs Wise and Mrs Mullis.

Mr Etherton is the Headteacher at St. Nicolas and St Mary School in Shoreham and is a very experienced Christian leader. He produces the popular ‘Awesome Assemblies’ which can be found on YouTube and are recommend for all ages!

We look forward to welcoming Mr Etherton to St. Andrew’s.

St. Andrew’s Governing Body